08-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 37, Page 4
08-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 37, Page 5
08-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 37, Page 6

cover / introduction table of contents

Heinrich Himmler

Whoever hears the name of Heinrich Himmler,
Will turn deathly pale in terror,
Is filled with fear and dismay,
For Heinrich Himmler’s warriors

Of Gestapo and policeAnd the SS bandits
Beat many to a pulp,
These are their customs.

Mr. Himmler’s regime of terror
Keeps Hitler still alive,
If Himmler’s power were to end,
There would be no Führer.

Those who believed that Adolf’s power
Rests on the love of his people,
Do not realize how wrong they are,
No! Adolf Hitler would

Not stay in power for even one more day,
It’s only thanks to Himmler.
He keeps watch day and night,
Does not let Adolf’s throne falter.

Being everybodies darling,
That time is long gone,
No, today the Gestapo takes action
And keeps the people in fever.

They don’t squeel and keep quiet,
And don’t dare to speak up,
Sometimes it becomes too much,
But one must endure everything.

Otherwise, arriving at a brisk pace,
Herr Himmler’s torturers
expect of you to see the Gestapo,
And such a side trip would bring

Many severe inconveniences
And much suffering,
And that‘s why it’s definitely wise
To avoid such an excursion.

The Himmler squad has a slang
That is very rough and hearty,
Whoever gets to feel it, already feels
This matter will be quite painful.

The Himmler gang is definitely
A bunch of rough brothers,
And whoever they seize,
Will not return anytime soon.

Because they understand by heart
How to torture and torment,
And Heinrich Himmler knows as the boss
To select the right one.

The right man in the right place,
A gang of criminals,
In Germany, every sparrow whistles
That from the rooftops.

A bunch cruel, bold, and audacious,
Ready for any shame,
That is the Himmler SS,
The most daring band of robbers

Men who ever haunted us
And tortured us,
Hated, despised, and cursed
Those are Himmler’s jinxes.

Indeed, the world’s terror
Are Himmler’s hounds of hell,
Whoever stands up to them
Is a poor fellow.

They have contaminated these times
And brought death and sorrow,
And today the whole world wonders,
How long will it last?

We know, Heinrich Himmler fights
For a lost cause,
Very soon, he will face the court,
Very soon, he will face revenge.

Post-Editing: Kurt Gerhard Funke