08-19-1944, 2nd volume, no. 38, Page 6
08-19-1944, 2nd volume, no. 38, Page 7
08-19-1944, 2nd volume, no. 38, Page 8

cover / introduction table of contents

The Little V1 Song

V1 carries out retaliation
Even Churchill no longer laughs! Goebbels shudders for England at the thought of what further retaliation awaits this country. – 21-7-1994

V.1, shortly before it is shot off. – 11-8-44

Have you heard it already,
Goebbels said: on my word
Trust in our report,
V1 brings fire, V1 brings murder
And is a splendid retaliation

V1, V1,
Cruel to England,
A pleasure for Germany,
An entertainment for Germany,
But Winston Churchill finds it bitter

Germany today grabs
England by its collar
A thousand walls burst,
Because that V1, it flies steadily,
They suffer quite a bit.

Chorus: V1, V1, etc.

Churchill is out of luck
All his humor disappeared
He would like to cry
And Goebbels said: I pity you, say,
But I would not like to change places with you.

Chorus V1, V1, etc.

Everyone in Berlin
Likes it, thinks it’s it fine,
That London is hit,
Now all Nazi krauts
Celebrate a V1 feast

Chorus V1, V1, etc.

The entire Hitler Youth
Is delighted, is pleased
And dances for joy,
Many said: My goodness,
Germany got new chances,

Chorus V1, V1, etc.

And in village and city
They have been boasting proudly
For several weeks now,
And England is flattening Germany,
And is taking bitter revenge

Chorus V1, V1 etc.

Munich is just rubble
And Berlin is destroyed,
The war is lost,
But Goebbels leads them up the garden path
And still whispers in their ears.

Chorus V1, V1 etc.

Dr. Goebbels then writes that it’s worth quoting all the voices once again who, on the other side of the channel, a few months ago praised without limits the brutal attacks of the Anglo-American air force on the German civilian population. When Germany pointed out the barbarism of such warfare, a snickering laugh was heard from London. However, now England’s will to laugh has disappeared. Even a prime minister, who is otherwise easily inclined to make cynical jokes, in his last speech in the House of Commons about the V1, hasn’t told any jokes.

What London still awaits.
We even recoil when we think about what is in store for the British capital from the use of our other, heavier retaliatory weapons. Because our retaliatory action is not ending but is only beginning. Military critics far and wide agree that our V.1 weapon introduces a revolution of the entire weapon technology. However, what must they not acknowledge when our newest weapons, completely incomparable to those, are introduced? – 21-7-44

Post-Editing: Benno Groeneveld