(from a children‘s song)
I saw two bears
Spreading butter
Oh, it was a miracle,
It was a miracle above miracles
Because we don’t have butter
Hihihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.
I saw a foal
Stealing bicycles
Oh, it was a miracle
Because you know, dear friends
Nowhere can a bike be found,
Hihihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.
I saw two ghosts
Burning coal,
Oh, it was a miracle,
It was a miracle above miracles,
Because the coal has been stolen.
Hihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.
A person in hiding
Still ate sugar,
Oh, it was a miracle,
Because Klaas and Pieter know,
This time is harsh and bitter,
Hihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.
I saw two rats
Stealing sausages,
Oh, it was a miracle,
I think this time are strange,
Cannibalistic, unvegetarian,
Hihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.
I saw a beetle
Drinking Genever Gin,
Oh, it was a miracle,
It was a miracle above miracles,
Because all of the Netherlands is without it
Hihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.
I saw two finches
Drinking coffee,
Oh, it was a miracle,
It was a miracle above miracles,
Only a Kraut still drinks coffee,
Hihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.
Hurry up,
Oh, it would be a miracle
For the Yanks and the Brits
To finally get moving
But it must happen, because otherwise
I myself might go to Mofrika
Did you notice an error in this transcription or translation, and would you like to send us a corrected version? Or have you created a lyrical translation that captures rhyme and rhythm of the original? Please feel free to send us your version. We appreciate voluntary support for this memorial project, and we regularly review the messages we receive.