03-24-1945, 3rd volume, no. 12, Page 5
03-24-1945, 3rd volume, no. 12, Page 6

cover / introduction table of contents

In Memoriam Rauter †

Mr. Rauter has disappeared
From the Dutch stage
And only the Nazis are weeping,
For Rauter got his share,

No, he got far too little,
For he died far too quickly,
His death was far too frugal,
A devil, who brought

A hell of death and
A thousand sorrows to many,
Defying justice and freedom,
Did he not die too gently

With a few revolver shots?
Wasn’t that too good
For such a beast,
Who committed so many crimes?

Oh well, good that he’s gone,
And taken out of the way,
So I will not complain,
But Seyss is in a bad mood

His best friend, Rauter,
Is dead and is destroyed
Friend Seyss fears for himself
A similar fate, very soon.

Rauter was the commissioner
For Seyss‘s security
And Heinrich Himmler‘s henchman,
And under his leadership

The Netherlands became
A great valley of tears,
The Rauter Hun hordes
Spread violence

And terror everywhere,
Committed robbery and murder,
And imposed the worst
Kind of oppression upon us

Friend Rauter has fallen,
Friend Rauter got his punishment,
And that brings joy to all of us,
A cowardly Nazi hangman

Who tormented and killed
So many Dutch people,
He collapsed
After being shot

Rauter is gone now
From the Dutch stage,
Those who weep for him
Will too soon get their share

Post-Editing: Hanny Veenendaal