Komi Mizrajim Togbonou

  • Audio contribution: 1
  • Language: DE

Komi Mizrajim Togbonou (* 1972) is an actor, musician, and activist whose engagements have brought him to theaters in Bremen, Heidelberg, Freiburg, Graz, Salzburg, Bonn, and Frankfurt. He was part of the ensemble at the Munich Kammerspiele and currently works with the ensemble of the German Theater in Berlin. Beyond his stage work, Togbonou has appeared in numerous TV and film productions. As a musician, he has worked with Nina Hagen, the Fantastischen Vier, and Thomas D., and is also a singer in the bands “El Cartel” and “Silberrücken”. As an activist, he participates in projects addressing discrimination, xenophobia, and Germany’s colonial responsibility. Komi Mizrajim Togbonou has received several awards for his artistic work.