Nico Kamp

  • Audio contribution: 1
  • Language: NL

Nico Kamp (* 1937) was born in Cologne. After the Reichspogromnacht on November 9, 1938, his parents Inge and Fritz Kamp fled to the Netherlands with him and his brother Rolf. A short time later, his grandparents followed them. When the National Socialists began mass deportations in the Netherlands in 1942, the Kamp family went into hiding. Parents, grandparents and children were housed in pairs on various farms. The Kamp brothers had to hide in a total of 13 different places. In the spring of 1944, their parents and grandparents were betrayed and arrested; only Inge Kamp survived the concentration camps. After the end of the war in 1945, Nico, Rolf and Inge Kamp were able to embrace each other again. Nico Kamp, who worked as an honorary consul in Florence for 42 years, now lives in Amsterdam.

Nog is Polen niet verloren …

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