2nd volume, no. 57, Page 10
2nd volume, no. 57, Page 11
2nd volume, no. 57, Page 12
2nd volume, no. 57, Page 13

cover / introduction table of contents

German Reich Balance Sheet November 1944

Germany‘s Raw Material and Food Supply.
In Berlin, it has been communicated that Germany has sufficient raw materials to continue the war, as it can produce synthetic products from coal on a large scale. It has ample stocks of chromium and manganese. Regarding the food situation, it is stated that potato and grain harvests exceed expectations, as does beet sugar production. The milk and butter supply has returned to its old level. Ninety percent of your calorie requirements are already 90 percent covered. – 11-11-44

The German supply position
Is excellent today
It would truly be the purest mockery,
If such truth were denied.

An excess of drink and food
Of raw materials and ores,
I read it today in black and white
And – I admit! – with pain.

There‘s also everything one needs,
One must not conceal it,
Yes, the German chimney smokes
And nothing seems to be lacking.

Don‘t trust the empty delusion
Of the enemy‘s propaganda,
There‘s chromium, there‘s manganese
And other mineral resources

In the most abundant surplus
And for many years to come,
We have what one must have,
Don‘t let gray hairs

Spring forth from your German heads
And don‘t worry yourselves,
And anyone who dares to doubt,
Herr Himmler will catch tomorrow

The God who let iron grow,
Also sent Hitler,
So dear people, don‘t speak ill
And don‘t be critics either.

And even if we don‘t get gasoline
From the Caucasus and Ploiești,
For gone is gone and lost is lost,
Coal fuel must cover

Needs in the air, on land
And also on water,
We recognized this early on,
So the enemy can bite us.

Germany also has enough food,
In abundant quantities
Germany has milk and grain and meat
In fact, roasted sausages are not

Hanging on trees in Germany
Like in the Land of Cockaigne,
But they are obtained with skillful hands
From our living spaces.

We have sugar, we have lard
And the very brownest butter,
There are potatoes as well,
We‘re well off in food

Ninety percent of the calories
Are already in our pockets,
With 10 percent still to go,
But a quick

Action from our Führer, soon enough
Will bring the solution to us,
He will find the right tone,
Yes, it will succeed.

At first, this Reich‘s balance sheet seems
To impress mightily,
But I fear that the Nazis
Will drastically manipulate it.

You believe that Adolf, your god,
Will still lead you to victory,
And you don‘t see it: the Reich‘s bankruptcy
Stands grinning at the door.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig