12-25-1944, 2nd volume, no. 60, Page 2
12-25-1944, 2nd volume, no. 60, Page 3
12-25-1944, 2nd volume, no. 60, Page 4
12-25-1944, 2nd volume, no. 60, Page 5
12-25-1944, 2nd volume, no. 60, Page 6
12-25-1944, 2nd volume, no. 60, Page 7

cover / introduction

The New Battle at Leipzig

Sensational Success of New German Fighters!
There’s already a lot of whispering about new German fighter planes that are expected to appear in the sky not too long from now. We recently published an article from the Daily Sketch that mentioned a type of German aircraft that would be faster than the speed of sound. Churchill predicted a few days ago that a fierce battle for aerial supremacy would ignite. Official German spokespersons have indeed reassured multiple times that the aerial warfare will present a completely different picture once the German preparations are completed. However, on the German side, there‘s silence regarding such rumors and reports from neutral or enemy sources. All the more surprising is a report from the newspaper “Dagposten” in Stockholm, which, as an example of the sensational nature of the new German weapons, cites the fact that 50 Allied aircraft attacked Leipzig and not a single one of these 50 planes returned! All fifty attacking aircraft were destroyed within seconds by 7 new German fighters. – 16-11-44

Mr. Doctor Goebbels is the shepherd
And physician of the German soul,
He expertly observes
What the people lack.

Mr. Goebbels feels the German pulse:
Yes, over the German people,
Whether Müller, Lehmann, Schmitt, or Schulz,
There lies a cloud.

The German people feel very well,
The war has long been lost,
Everyone feels it, man or woman,
And even if one kicks the spurs

Into the people’s flank,
It doesn‘t want to continue anymore,
It would rather break today
With the Führer, its rider.

And would love to throw him off,
For it is tired of war,
Such a long war makes weak and sluggish,
One wishes: May peace come!

The people want peace, but the group
Of Hitler‘s satellites
Fears peace, that‘s clear,
Because these arch-bandits,

They know that when peace comes,
They will be hanged
Inevitably and extremely promptly
And because they fear that

Germany will turn into a heap of rubble,
Germany will become a ruin,
You suffer hardship and perish,
Just to atone fot the bigwigs.

For a short span of time
To postpone for the time being,
So that you are still willing,
They have prescribed something for you.

The new mood medicine
For suffering and bomb damage,
The doctor in Berlin gets it
From a paper in – Sweden.

It‘s a news item that previously
He himself launched there
And you are eyes and ears,
The newspaper published

A true heroic tale
Of a battle at Leipzig,
The is long past,
Surprised, the German reader rubs

His eyelashes
Due to this magnificent report
The Allies can‘t make it work,
No, woe to these bunglers.

The new German fighter is
Superior to the enemies.
The enemies‘ air power? Big mistake!!
Because recently, seven German against

Fifty RAF planes
Brought down the swarm of enemies
Happily and merrily
According to Germany‘s propaganda chief

At Leipzig, something could be seen,
The enemies‘ planes fell,
At Leipzig, five times ten fell,
Let joyful tunes play

A reputation resounds like thunder
Blitz fighters above all,
The RAF is now falling,
The German giant

Is drowned out by the outcry
Of the Swedish newspaper hoax
And Goebbels thinks such deceit
Would suffice and could

Strengthen the Führer’s weak position
For a little while longer,
But the clubfoot will get his reward,
He will realize it very soon.

The air victory at the Pleiße city,
And other newspaper triumphs,
Which Goebbels reported to you,
Are deceit and are lies.

Today you know how he deceived you,
Cheated by all rules,
And how he made some reports
Up in his dreams.

To his multitude of lies
Now comes the Leipzig deception
But the thread will soon break
On Goebbels‘ spindle of lies.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig