01-20-1945, 3rd volume, no. 3, Page 14
01-20-1945, 3rd volume, no. 3, Page 15
01-20-1945, 3rd volume, no. 3, Page 16

cover / introduction table of contents

“I Saw Two Bears”

(from a children‘s song)

I saw two bears
Spreading butter
Oh, it was a miracle,
It was a miracle above miracles
Because we don’t have butter
Hihihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.

I saw a foal
Stealing bicycles
Oh, it was a miracle
Because you know, dear friends
Nowhere can a bike be found,
Hihihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.

I saw two ghosts
Burning coal,
Oh, it was a miracle,
It was a miracle above miracles,
Because the coal has been stolen.
Hihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.

A person in hiding
Still ate sugar,
Oh, it was a miracle,
Because Klaas and Pieter know,
This time is harsh and bitter,
Hihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.

I saw two rats
Stealing sausages,
Oh, it was a miracle,
I think this time are strange,
Cannibalistic, unvegetarian,
Hihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.

I saw a beetle
Drinking Genever Gin,
Oh, it was a miracle,
It was a miracle above miracles,
Because all of the Netherlands is without it
Hihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.

I saw two finches
Drinking coffee,
Oh, it was a miracle,
It was a miracle above miracles,
Only a Kraut still drinks coffee,
Hihi, hahaha,
Everything goes to Mofrika.

Hurry up,
Oh, it would be a miracle
For the Yanks and the Brits
To finally get moving
But it must happen, because otherwise
I myself might go to Mofrika