Finally, the British laundry hangs
To dry on the Siegfried Line
And we are all happy,
The left bank of the Rhine
Is now almost completely occupied,
The Krauts will soon withdraw,
The Underwater Cabaret
Is happy and rejoices
That it can soon disappear,
Not much longer and will appear no more
It has been fed up long enough,
Maybe it will appear once or twice
And then we are rid of the oppressors,
And can freely walk the streets again
And enjoy the spring,
Even if the Brits are a bit late,
I think: Better late than never.
Even though it took terribly long,
Finally, the work is done,
And our captivity comes to an end.
We smell the breeze of freedom,
We feel that very soon
The last OWC poem
Will be written with much joy.
We’re entering the final phase,
The homestretch is the hardest
But we hope in our hearts,
That we will also manage that.
The third volume will not grow old,
The OWC work is coming
To an end, and no one is sad,
When the OWC must disappear …
Post-Editing: Hanny Veenendaal
Did you notice an error in this transcription or translation, and would you like to send us a corrected version? Or have you created a lyrical translation that captures rhyme and rhythm of the original? Please feel free to send us your version. We appreciate voluntary support for this memorial project, and we regularly review the messages we receive.