06-10-1944, 2nd volume, no. 24, Page 14
06-10-1944, 2nd volume, no. 24, Page 15
06-10-1944, 2nd volume, no. 24, Page 16
06-10-1944, 2nd volume, no. 24, Page 17

cover / introduction table of contents

What Does Not Break Us, Makes Us Stronger

How long will you continue to be fooled
By the cries of the Nazi brood,
The blows that you take today,
They do no harm, they do you good.

The bombs make Germany powerful,
They make us strong to the core,
And if they fall three times as fiercely,
Then we will be three times as strong.

We won’t let ourselves get down
Despite everything that happens,
We will continue until we win,
And never be weary of the fight!

The sustenance of every defeat
For spirit is quite high,
And if you bear it calmly,
You will come out in great shape.

Many Nazi fairytales
Are told to you by the bigwigs,
Though the enemy may cause you some discomfort,
You will only be strengthened by it.

It will be of no disadvantage, but of benefit,
Many vows taken,
And it helps to defy the enemy
And is the purest strengthening cure.

The setback is preparation
For future success,
Proclaimed by the Nazileaders today,
Some of you may find such

Twisted deception does not take hold,
As you have seen it before,
Even in ‘18, it happened like this,
And it was the German Reich‘s patent.

Even in ‘18, it soon passed,
And things went badly for you then,
The Jewish Rabbi ben Akiba,
Although he was Jewish, was right:

„It has all happened before!“
But what I can not understand:
You can read the same deception
As before and still believe in it.

The words „People arise! Storm, break loose!“ did not sound in vain. And neither did the word of Nietzsche quoted by the Führer: „What does not kill me, makes me stronger!“ Amidst the rumble of bomb explosions, amidst the howling of phosphorus flames, and upon hearing serious reports, this people became harder and more resilient, more determined and fanatical day by day. The “Objektivitätsfimmel” (obsession with objectivity) gave way to hatred against the cruel enemy and a desire for revenge. Never was the awareness that there is no third option besides victory or death so vivid, both at the front and in the homeland. Never was the people further from comtemplating of capitulation than now. We ourselves visited different parts of the Reich three times in the past year and experienced these facts, which are confirmed by all unbiased observers, firsthand. 1943 did not turn out to be like 1918, as the enemy propaganda had predicted. – 31/12 43

Post-Editing: Kurt Gerhard Funke