12-11-1943, 1st volume, no. 17, Page 11
12-11-1943, 1st volume, no. 17, Page 12

cover / introduction table of contents

L’hHors d‘Œuvre de Mr. Stalin

… people in Berlin believe that Stalin demanded the destruction of Berlin, as John’s head on a silver platter for the conference’s opening …
– Twentsch Nieuwsblad 1/12

Before I start negotiating,
Declared Mr. Stalin,
I demand as an hors d’œuvre
The destruction of Berlin.

Just as the Lady Herodias
Once demanded from her husband
The head of the Baptist
On a silver platter

Before she showed him
The coveted favor
Marshal Stalin demanded
The great conflagration.

Before we exchange words,
I want to see action first,
So put Berlin, the Athens on the Spree
To ruins and ashes.

And Roosevelt and Churchill
Obeyed his word
And sent their aircraft,
They just kept flying.

They flew, they bombarded
The Capital unabashed,
One can say today:
Berlin has been “Coventryed”.

Is that enough for you?
One may ask Stalin,
I am not dissatisfied,
Says this wicked man.

Now I am ready to talk,
Come on over now,
That was just the hors d’oeuvre,
But I want more.

Yes, gentlemen, I demand
A rich menu,
I wanted Germany
Prepared “en tortue”.

Oh, people, if Berlin was only
Stalin’s hors d‘œuvre,
Heil Hitler, Bon appétit,
Then it will be magnificent.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders, Tom RIeke