“… In the greater context, the evacuation of Gomel is an extremely clever German countermove to evade the opponent,“ notes the military correspondent of the DNB.” – Twentsche Nieuwsblad on 1 February
The Krauts have now evacuated Gomel,
And the newspaper is quick to explain
– One reads it happily and with much joy –
This was a clever countermove.
Many cities are now being abandoned,
And the public is still being told,
We still have the upper hand,
Even if things are not going very well.
We still outclass the Russians,
And in a propaganda fog
They show how favorable the situation is,
Indeed, their lies are not bad.
Even if they retreat step by step,
Even if they receive blow by blow every day,
Even with the knife at their throat,
It is declared a success.
Even if they are in great difficulties,
Even if they sense their end is near,
They know that they’ve lost the game
Long ago, and now, even Gomel has fallen.
According to the propaganda law,
Which might still save the reputation
And cleanse Hitler from guilt,
They call it a clever countermove.
Post-Editing: Robert Saunders, Tom Rieke
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