09-18-1943, 1st volume, no. 5, Page 22
09-18-1943, 1st volume, no. 5, Page 23
09-18-1943, 1st volume, no. 5, Page 24

cover / introduction table of contents


(For the 4th Reich Cabaret)

Tom Mix, Shatterhand, Harry Piel,
They are like choirboys,
And it really isn’t much
Of what they have accomplished,

If you compare it today
To what Adolf’s boys
Have achieved and boldly forced
In the Abruzzo region.

A truly German coup de main,
It’s almost unbelievable,
Reports a bit too flowery,
One can also overdo things.

You quickly notice, the German hero
Is greatly exaggerated,
He is portrayed too bravely,
Described Munchausen-like.

How he with just a few men
Captivated hundreds of Italians,
Yes, such a thing can only happen
Because he is German.

But my trust is not great
In these fantasies,
And I ruthlessly advocate
Completely different theories.

The Italian was a fascist
And had instructions
From the king, who isn’t a king,
And from the Badoglios.

King Victor Emmanuel
Feels obliged to thank
The Duce, therefore he quickly ensures
That he is not destroyed!

And besides, he was also afraid
And thought in great concern,
If I let him die, it won’t be long
Until they kill me too.

There are still many who love him
And who cannot forget
And they give me a dagger blow
Driven by wild hatred.

I get along well with Benito
And with the Allies,
Shielding him from the people‘s wrath,
The recently retired.

And I play him in Adolf’s hand,
So that the poor boy
Who now has more luck than brains
Can also have some joy.

Benito is happy that he is free,
Hitler is happy that he freed,
And that he is now the liberator,
The former private.

The Allies are so happy
That I capitulated,
Yes, me and my Badoglio,
We are two clever ones.

Yes, we are achieving our goal
And serving our purposes,
It is a royal game:
Joy all over.

Only a thundercloud threatens,
It could spoil the fun,
Perhaps soon the Italian people
Will shatter the whole game.

Post-Editing: Daniel Green