You always played the role of Caesar
And you liked yourself in this role
You were portrayed as Caesar
Though your head was a bit too round.
Caesar himself called himself Dux,
And you made yourself into a “Duce”,
While Caesar once accomplished great things,
You completely shattered your country.
Your whole life has been
A grand parody of Caesar,
You were no Caesar, but a beast,
As I observe your actions.
While Caesar remained immortal,
You, on the other hand, were immortalized in shame,
The war did not inspire you,
It only ruined you.
You promised the country many beautiful things,
Riches and abundance, fame and power,
Unfortunately, people believed in you,
But it turned out differently than expected.
Caesar was once dismissed,
Simply because they stabbed him to death,
And Caesar found the behavior
Of his friend Brutus quite idiotic.
The end of the Duce was
That for the first time in 20 years,
The king showed himself resolute,
And made his position clear to him.
It was his political death,
His dethroning was tragically comical,
The Duce became presumptious,
The king put him in his place.
Benito’s dictator voice
Roared from his car, oh well,
The ambulance served as a substitute
For him, truly amazing.
They slammed him onto the stretcher,
No matter how he struggled, fought back,
Badoglio achieved it,
And this abduction amuses us.
A maniac was treated
As a maniac deserves,
But the plan, it is noted,
Was devised more than 20 years too late.
Post-Editing: Daniel Green
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