06-10-1944, 2nd volume, no. 24, Page 10
06-10-1944, 2nd volume, no. 24, Page 11
06-10-1944, 2nd volume, no. 24, Page 12
06-10-1944, 2nd volume, no. 24, Page 13

cover / introduction table of contents

The Fund-Raising Trickery

The People in Hiding.
In a youth gathering in Assen, Max Blokzijl was also asked a few questions concerning the accommodating attitude towards those undercovers who have no crime on their conscience, as reported by the Nwsbl. v. h. Noorden. The questioners found that they were being favored over other fellow countrymen who remained at their posts. However, Max Blokzijl declared that the people in hiding who have been released without punishment will certainly not be privileged. They will be deployed in the most difficult tasks. They must be willing to accept that. It is their very last chance because soon, perhaps within one or two weeks, measures will be taken against the people in hiding in such a way that everyone, including the one in hiding who has no offense on his conscience, will regret not having surfaced in time. – 9-5-44

Naturally, the issue of the people in hiding came up. Many of these so-called Onderduikers [people in hiding], according to Blokzijl, have been misinformed and misled. Regarding them, I announced a few weeks ago that these misinformed individuals could come forward and would not be punished. Of course, they are integrated into the labor process and are not allowed to choose where they would like to work (one, for example, in his father‘s business, the other has already been ordered to be with an uncle, etc.). Following my announcement, according to Max Blokzijl, ten thousand people in hiding reported themselves.
Question: Why is there not stricter action taken against the people in hiding?
Answer: The good ones have been given the opportunity to come forward. Those who do not come forward do not make it any better for themselves. They should hurry up and report themselves because it could be too late very soon. – 17/5-44

If an association somewhere
Raises funds from lists,
They always try, as far as possible,
To stimulate the proceeds.

The treasurer was in distress,
Money had to come in,
A new silver fleet had to
pour quickly into his cash box.

But when they arrived with a blank list,
No one wanted to start,
However much the cash box required it,
There was nothing to collect.

Because nobody wants
To sign up on such a list,
They really do not like it
And so they leave it.

So it didn‘t work on a hunch
There was a lot to consider,
So they apply a little trick
To achieve their goal.

The cash box remained so totally weakened
And deprived of money,
The knot had to be cut,
The spell had to be broken.

So they quickly put on the list
Some fictitious names,
And after that, it went remarkably well,
Many amounts came…

Mr. Blokzijl, he would very much
Like to catch the people in hiding,
And therefore he lures them steadily
With his siren songs:.

Now come back safely
Everyone who is underwater,
But please do it a little quickly,
Because otherwise it might be

Too late for him, perhaps,
So come up without worry,
The Krauts will definitely not harm you,
I can promise you that.

The people in hiding remain silent
But stay underwater,
They don’t care what Max says,
And Max Blokzijl notices this and

He wants to use the
Collection trickery for this case
He thinks maybe I’ll get them
to emerge.

He mentions a fantasy number
And has spoken with confidence:
From the people in hiding,
Already ten thousand emerged.

And with this bait, he now
Goes fishing for people in hiding,
But he doesn’t stand a chance,
He will be sorely mistaken …

Post-Editing: Marloes Abeling