07-04-1944, 2nd volume, no. 29, Page 2

cover / introduction


When will our chains finally fall,
When will we rise up to the light?
So often we were promised to be saved,
And yet it still hasn’t happened.

We still live in hiding,
And are removed from the daylight.
One sits full of fear and full of worries,
That someone might catch sight of us.

We live apart and in the shadows,
We live apart from the world.
When will we finally be allowed
To breathe under the sky?

When can we fearlessly and openly
Show ourselves to the whole world?
We wait constantly and we hope,
That it will happen very soon.

We are tired of the eternal shackles.
When will we finally be freed?
When will the bondage fall, when will there be peace?
We want to be humans again!