08-12-1944, 2nd volume, no. 36, Page 5
08-12-1944, 2nd volume, no. 36, Page 6
08-12-1944, 2nd volume, no. 36, Page 7

cover / introduction table of contents


We are too modest!
We do not make sufficient use of the current situation in which we, as National Socialists, are the only bearers of the political will of our people. This means that, if opinions are being expressed, these ought to be our opinions. Only thanks to the N.S.B. does our people still have a future. We must be aware of this at every moment. Only we have the right to hold our heads high. Only we have the right to demand respect. Away with that cursed objectivity, which leads to nothing other than that we, too, hesitate before scoundrels who would gladly lead our country and people to ruin. – VoVa 16-6-44

The people want nothing to do
With the NSB
And that is terribly cruel and sad
For Antoon’s prophets

The NSB feels deprived
And banished to a corner
No wonder they are bothered
So it informs its men

In “Volk en Vaderland”:
The reason we suffer
Is that we are far too decent
And we are too modest.

And they cry out with a loud voice,
This really cannot go on,
Modesty, that is a brake,
We must dispel that.

Our appearance must be more self-confident
And must be much prouder,
Then, dear people, be assured,
The evil will heal.

There is no political will
Other than in our ranks,
Realize that, every resistance falls silent,
For other parties

Except for our NSB
Are no longer allowed,
It is fine and okay
For Mussert’s soldiers

Only we alone have the right
To hold our heads high
The opponent is our servant
And cought an extremely bad cold.

We work for the future salvation,
That should not be forgotten
And are therefore of a higher standard
And so we doggedly have to

Demand that we are appreciated
And treated with respect,
Then you will see how it changes,
Our work will then be blessed.

Lay down the error of the NSB members,
Free yourselves from it,
And show yourselves proud and bold
And do not be so modest.

Be brave, stand firm,
Realize: we are the masters
Don’t forget this fact for any moment,
Then nothing can happen to us.

The supporter is in difficulties,
A change of times
Is happening now, and he is afraid,
That is what they call … modesty.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders