10-07-1944, 2nd volume, no. 49, Page 2
10-07-1944, 2nd volume, no. 49, Page 3
10-07-1944, 2nd volume, no. 49, Page 4
10-07-1944, 2nd volume, no. 49, Page 5
10-07-1944, 2nd volume, no. 49, Page 6

cover / introduction


Everywhere we look,
We see Joseph Stalin‘s hand,
Everywhere he produces corpses,
And theft, murder, and arson.

Stalin pursues his cruel aims,
Now in all countries,
And one can see and feel it,
He succeeds everywhere.

For Bolshevism he gains
Power and global domination,
Friends, don‘t say I‘m mistaken,
We read in the newspapers,

Soon it is to be expected,
From friend Stalin, this rogue,
That he will indeed rape,
Among others, the Turk,

That he soon will open his Dardanelles
To the Russians,
Should he not open them,
Then Stalin will use violence.

Soviet claims on Turkey.
According to the Swedish press, Stalin plans to demand the opening of the Dardanelles from Turkey. – 19-9-44

And he has already sent
Friend Dimitrov to the Bulgarians,

Dimitrov, the famous Bulgarian communist and Secretary-General of the Comintern, is on his way to Sofia. He arrived in Ankara yesterday. – 23-9-44

Yes, they will soon find out,
It won‘t be long now.

And the Russian makes of their country
Yet another red Soviet state,
Stalin has a knack for it,
And he knows quite well how it works.

Bulgaria still hasn‘t received armistice conditions from Russia, the Bulgarian government says. No date for discussions has been set. The Regency Council has been arrested, according to a statement from Moscow. Soviet commissioners have been appointed in the Bulgarian army. Thousands of Bulgarian workers have already been brought to Russia. – 23-9-44

That Romania by the Jews,
Who are devoted to Stalin,
Was sold to the red gods of Moscow,
For payment

Although the war progressed great,
Great for Romania,
Was declared by Horia Sima,
And the fact moved him deeply.

Romania was not defeated, the leader of the Iron Guard Horia Sima declared in a proclamation to the Romanian people, but certain Jewish Freemasons sold the country to Moscow. – 23-9-44

Antonescu was captured
And abducted to to Russia,
And maybe he will be hanged,
Thanks to Stalin, this scoundrel.

Marshal Antonescu and the former foreign minister Mihail Antonescu have been arrested by the Soviets and taken to the Soviet Union. – 28-9-44

Communist ministers
In the Belgian cabinet,
The case has something sinister,
Only a Bolshevik rejoices.

Two communist ministers are part of the newly-formed Belgian government-Pierlot. – 28-9-44

Stalin achieved with de Gaulle,
Also a great success,
He gets under his control,
France through his friend Thorez.

Thorez was reluctantly allowed
To return,
Filled with the Soviet spirit,
Thorez may now go home.

The French communist Thorez returned from Moscow to France. He was sentenced to death for desertion at the outbreak of the war. De Gaulle resisted his return, but Moscow explicitly wished it, so he had to concede. – 28-9-44

And for Stalin the doors are open,
In Italy,
All of the clergy is desperate,
For things look very bad.

A known enemy of Mussolini, the Catholic politician, Don Sturzo, who has lived in America for years, said in an interview with the Florida-Catholic: „By subjugating the Italian economic life, the English and Americans have opened the door to communism.“ – 28-9-44

Also in Finland, a red
Revolution is being prepared too,
Those who are not red will perish,
According to GPU policy.

“A club of the worst reactionaries,” Pravda calls the new Finnish government Kastren, even though there are already several pro-Bolshevik figures in it. But Moscow demands more and more. – 23-9-44

In Finland, a Bolshevik uprising against the government is being prepared. All communist elements are emerging from their hiding places. The loss of the Porkala peninsula to the Bolsheviks is of great significance for Helsinki as it fed the capital. This source is now dried up. – 28-9-44

As with delirium dreams,
One only sees white mice,
Today‘s Hitler-devotees
See red phantoms on the horizon.

Post-Editing: Nannie Braunstein-Beekman