10-07-1944, 2nd volume, no. 49, Page 7
10-07-1944, 2nd volume, no. 49, Page 8

cover / introduction table of contents

German Wunderkind

4. „You‘ve found your goal in this way after all. Report your success. And furthermore: break a leg!“ Thus, every combat experience is critically recognized and evaluated by the 29-year-old general who himself has flown countless missions over England.

Whoever once was born by a German woman,
For him it is never a shame,
As soon as he comes out of the womb,
He already becomes a soldier.

And he operates the shooting rifle,
Scarcely off his mother‘s breast,
As if it was a joy to him,
A joy and a desire.

Such a young lad becomes a corporal
Before he can walk,
And soon after, he becomes a sergeant,
You ask, what will he become next?

Sergeant, captain, and major,
He is promoted in the flight,
Always ascending higher,
And it‘s never enough for him.

It‘s almost unbelievable where
Such a sudden rise leads,
Such a scamp is already a general,
Before he‘s confirmed,

He receives the Oak Leaves to the Knight‘s Cross,
Commands a staff,
And shortly after, he is already
With high honors carried to the grave.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig