10-14-1944, 2nd volume, no. 50, Page 9
10-14-1944, 2nd volume, no. 50, Page 10
10-14-1944, 2nd volume, no. 50, Page 11

cover / introduction table of contents

Siren Sounds

Germany will take the initiative again.
We want to keep fighting stubbornly, said Reich Minister von Ribbentrop in his speech commemorating the Three-Power Pact, until the enemy realizes he can no longer win the war. The unity of the German people has never been stronger than after the attack on July 20th. From this event, the Führer drew an iron consequence: a total mobilization of the German people like never before. All of Germany becomes one large army camp. Currently, the enemy is still on the offensive, but Germany will soon take the initiative again. Then, the enemy‘s premature victory cry will get stuck in his throat. Currently, the Anglo-American air force vents its fury of destruction on our people. But we will take countermeasures that will definitively halt this fury. Do not falter! Hold on! The war will take a completely different turn. I have no doubt that we will inflict such heavy losses on the enemy in the upcoming battles that his power will be broken. However, should he succeed in setting foot on German soil, all hell will break loose around him. Every German would rather be killed ten times than cede a meter of the homeland to the enemy! With fanatic determination, they continue to fight for Germany’s triumph and the new order in Europe and the world. – 3-10-44

Von Ribbentrop and Göbbels say
The war will soon take a turn,
We will not perish,
Germany will soon

Win on all fronts again,
The new German offensive
Will indeed start very soon,
We take the initiative.

And then it will become clear
That we are still the strongest,
No enemy will achieve anything,
We will smash everything to the bits.

But you just must not give up hope,
Hold on, it will be alright,
The Führer will surely succeed,
There is no one who can harm us.

We cannot be subdued by anyone,
In our determination
We defy the worst things,
And our victory becomes reality.

However, should the enemy succeed
And reach our territory,
He will tremble and be frightened,
We do not waver nor move back.

A German lets himself be skinned ten times
Before he gives up German ground,
We will fulfill our duty,
As true as my name is von Ribbentrop,

Hell will be unleashed on them,
By the elderly, crippled, woman and child,
We all, all are soldiers
And we all fight unanimously.

We will fight and battle
Until the victorious end,
And Adolf Hitler will lead us,
And Eisenhower will decay.

The entire empire is a ruin,
Is drained and bled out,
Has nothing to eat, no gasoline,
But with the German heroic spirit

We can miss weapons, hours, and food,
And still achieve victory,
Will von Ribbentrop not be mistaken,
Do people still believe his story?

Or will the people say thanks
And stop the war effort,
Despite the beautiful siren sounds
From Göbbels and von Ribbentrop.