10-21-1944, 2nd volume, no. 51, Page 8
10-21-1944, 2nd volume, no. 51, Page 9
10-21-1944, 2nd volume, no. 51, Page 10

cover / introduction table of contents

“The More, The Better!”

The enemy seems to want to express his anger over the defeat at Arnhem through a new series of terror attacks. In the last 24 hours, the residential areas of Kassel, Magdeburg, Dessau, Halle, Ludwigshafen, and Braunschweig were terror­ized. On September 27th, 75 aircraft were shot down over Germany, including 50 four-engine bombers. – 30-9-44

Often I have wanted to hear,
Why the British drop bombs,
Do they want to destroy industry,
Do they maybe want to torment the nerves

Of the German people,
So that they will finally break down
And can no longer continue waging this war
Due to abundant weakness?

What is the purpose, what are the aims
Of these enormous bomb loads,
I see and hear many planes every day,
That made their journey to Germany,

I see them in giant formations,
Sometimes there were hundreds,
How they soar through the blue sky,
A sight my eye admires.

I hear the engines singing
The organ hymn of this war:
Destruction will bring freedom,
Freedom is the fruit of victory.

Those who unleashed this war,
They will perish in it,
They have dug their own grave,
A storm from the heavens will blow them away.

In the wild burning destruction
I see higher courts of justice,
I believe I can see in it
A deeper meaning for world history,

I see this war as a stage,
And those who betrayed humanity,
Carry the guilt and will carry as a penance
The reward for their misdeeds.

But maybe I see these flights of cranes
As too problematic,
The impression I get today:
That the situation is not so dramatic.

The flights are the reactions
Of the British to the defeat.
It is anger that – without sparing anyone –,
Drives the British to such deeds.

At Arnhem, things went wrong,
And for that, England wants revenge,
It is a thirst for revenge,
So we hear Dr. Goebbels say.

They want to punish us for our success,
That is why they bomb as hard as they can
Magdeburg, Kassel, Ludwigshafen,
And a hundreds of other German cities.

By the scale of their bombing,
We can measure the British anger,
They bomb Baden, Prussia,
They bomb Bavaria, Hesse.

When Germany becomes flat as a pancake,
And city after city disappears,
It shows us the curses of our enemies,
And it proves to us that today

We are on the right path,
So let us continue to walk it,
The greater our damage inflicted by bombs,
The greater the success in fighting.

The more bombs the enemies drop,
Beloved swastika community,
The more Germans must rejoice,
Because it proves the enemies’ anger.

Translation: Benno Groeneveld