2nd volume, no. 51

Introduction to the content

In the poem Winter time, Curt Bloch addresses Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890–1969), the overall commander of Allied forces in Europe. After the French and Belgians had already been liberated, the Dutch felt neglected. The oppression by the Germans had become “almost unbearable,” so Bloch demands: “Come with men and tanks.”

Curt Bloch wonders about the German youth today: According to a newspaper report, Reich Youth Leader Artur Axmann (1913–1996) reported that a large percentage of those born in 1928 had signed up for service in Adolf Hitler’s army. Bloch predicts certain death for the teenagers. Afterwards, they would recruit even younger children as soldiers.

On the publication date of this OWC edition, Japan is in a difficult position: the Allies have already captured significant areas in the Pacific. This included the Mariana Islands; that allowed them to carry out strategic attacks on the Japanese homeland – which strengthens the prospect of Japan’s defeat. Curt Bloch is aware of the mood of Emperor Hirohito: “The Teno is in a very bad mood

For the poem “The more, the better!” Curt Bloch was inspired by a short report from the National Socialist press. It says that the heavy bombing of German cities resulted from the great anger of the British over the “defeat at Arnhem.” It seems to be revenge for the Wehrmacht’s triumph. Bloch sees through the attempt to reinterpret current losses as a reflection of previous victories. “If Germany now becomes flat as a pancake,” he mocks, it only proves the magnitude of Germany’s success. Personally, he admires the planes of the Royal Air Force, which he sees flying in the hundreds in the sky.

As The Innocent Lambs the Dutch National Socialists present themselves around their leader Anton Mussert (1894–1946). They feel unjustly hated by the soul of the people and complain that the aversion against them is fuelled by inflammatory radio programs from London. Bloch contradicts this. No foreign information is needed about the crimes of the NSB members, that treason and crime are their “guidelines”. “What will happen to them shortly is only the reward for what they did.” – After the war, Mussert was sentenced to death in a high treason trial and executed.

Because, in his opinion, there are no significant developments in the West, Curt Bloch turns to the Eastern Front in the New Hungarian Rhapsody. He is satisfied with the progress of the Red Army and predicts that heavily affected Hungary will soon break away from Germany. In fact, three months after the publication date of this poem, the country officially declared war on the German Reich and went over to the Allies.