The OWC thus today enters
Already in its third year
And such a fact is quite a reason
For a somewhat ceremonial start
Times went, times came
Weeks, months galore
And we waited, but they did not
Save us from us the war suffering.
When the odometer
Of Eternity flips over,
It seems as if the time propeller
Suddenly sings a different tune.
And as if all that happened
In the past year
Caused less pain, less sorrow,
Worries weigh less strong,
Burdens weigh less heavy as lead,
People think cheerfully and happily:
’44 brought only distress,
’45 will set us free.
New year, new chances
With the years, the wind turns,
Sprung from the womb of time
Like a newly born child.
And filled with new strength,
This new year shines upon us
And will, as we expect,
Soon put an end to the war turmoil,
Makes an end, I bet,
Soon from this war’s woe
’45 will save us,
’45 brings the peace.
Post-Editing: Robert Saunders
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