Almost three years in the cage
And in misery
And I often did not like it
just like a canary
Always having to hang around
in the same place
And yet I didn‘t keep my beak shut,
No, I sang my songs.
Sang of freedom and of light,
That would come one day,
I did not keep my beak shut,
No, I sang my dreams,
Dreams of a new era,
Dreams of peace,
Dream[s] of justice,
Of my first step,
That I would take, if soon
I would walk free again
No longer forced to hope
in desperation, quietly and on the sly.
I often thought my cage too narrow
I wanted out to fly,
I wanted swaying on a twig
in the sky-blue of the sky
But I didn‘t do it after all,
I kept sitting in the cage,
I waited long and full of grief,
Until today the British
Have finally arrived,
Today has ended
my grief and my distress,
Because my cage is open.
I can go out freely
And drink this liberty,
From now on I can let my song
reverberate in freedom.
Post-Editing: Hanny Veenendaal
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