02-10-1945, 3rd volume, no. 6, Page 10
02-10-1945, 3rd volume, no. 6, Page 11

cover / introduction table of contents

Precautionary Measure

Tannenberg monument destroyed by Germans.
According to the Wehrmacht’s report from Tuesday, the Soviets were able to move into the area of Allenstein-Hohenstein. In connection with this, the well-known Tannenberg memorial, which commemorates the great victories over the Russians in the previous world war, was blown up by German troops. The mortal remains of Marshal von Hindenburg and his wife, as well as the flags of the German regiments, were taken to safety in advance. Once the area is liberated again, the monument will be rebuilt in the same place. – 24-1-45

The DNB now announces
The victory monument
At Tannenberg no longer exists,
We did not want it to fall
Into the hands of the Russian bear.

And every German Nazi soul
Is glad: It’s not so bad yet,
The Russian now has Tannenberg,
But he didn’t get the magnificent
Triumphal building in his bear’s claw.

The monument is very much destroyed
And Hindenburg’s remains
Were timely brought to Berlin,
That brings us joy, gives us strength.

The flags are safe,
When Tannenberg is liberated again,
The building will be rebuilt,
And we do not care for anything else.

As I read the news from DNB,
I think to myself, hey,
They took Hindenburg away,
I find that clever, yes, I say:

If Hindenburg were still in that grave,
He would surely be amazed
How far Adolf has come,
No, Hindenburg did not expect
To have the Russian as his guest,
But Hitler cleared the matter.

Friend Hindenburg was transported,
Went to Berlin, and thus it is prevented
That the old hero
Now spins indignantly and disturbed
In his grave at the development
Of the Eastern front at Tannenberg.

Post-Editing: Annemarie Schellens