04-02-1945, 3rd volume, no. 14, Page 10
04-02-1945, 3rd volume, no. 14, Page 11
04-02-1945, 3rd volume, no. 14, Page 12

cover / introduction table of contents

What is Happening in Berchtesgaden?

A spokesman on the German broadcasts of the BBC gave a curious explanation for the major German offensive in Hungary while the Am. are moving across the Rhine and the Russians across the Oder. Militarily, these attacks are of no con­sequence. They are, however, intended to give time for the preparation of measures to be taken by the leaders of the Nat. Soc. together with parts of the Waffen SS for a long-term resistance in the mountains of southern Germany and Austria, with Klagenfurt as their stronghold. In Berchtesgaden, Hitler, Himmler, Mussolini, Mussert, Quisling and others hope to hold out longest. Reinforcements are built there and supplies are stored. – 24-3-45

Hitler with so many scoundrels
Travels soon to Klagenfurt
And out there in the Alps he‘ll try
To save his own hide and the scalps

Of the Third Reich government,
Of pal Göbbels, Marshal Göring
And the other Nibelungs,
Of his loyal followers

Himmler, Mussert, and Benito
And of Quisling, all the same
Of the less prominent
Gents from the Nazi tents

Still to be saved, yes, they are now trying
To postpone death, which they anticipate,
For just a little longer,
They are still the boss

They still are ruling
Which is why they‘re building
Forts and fortifications,
for the bigwigs, for the Nazis

In Klagenfurt’s vicinity,
The war is also going badly,
Will later on, as long as possible,
Hitler‘s high Nazi council

Barricade themselves in Klagenfurt,
Without hope, without opportunities,
They‘re letting the SS, as faithful servants
Fight until the end,

Resolutely, determined.
Adolf is in Berchtesgaden
With his loyal comrades,
Who in the past, due to his mercy

And with his help and blessing
Got new, well-paying jobs.
And could live with joy,
Everyone knows what they have perpetrated,

Everyone knows the evil deeds
Of the Berchtesgaden band
And is watching the final scene:
Adolf in his splendid lodgings

Later on, with the other beasts,
With the evil Nazi spirits,
Will be trapped
Everyone wonders, what

Will be the ending of the drama,
Will one soon read in the papers:
Adolf Hitler has been captured
And will presently be hung

Together with Göring, Göbbels, Seyss,
From a giant swastika,
That was set up as a gallows.
Will we be granted this beautiful sight

Shortly by way of Fox Movietone
Or perhaps by Polygoon
Or by UFA-Wochenschau
Or will Adolf Hitler spoil this

And begrudge us this theatric scene,
And will dodge the hangman,
By giving himself dynamite,
or perhaps some ekrasit

Or some nitroglycerin
to be dispensed in tablet form
And thus disappear without a trace?
Adolf Hitler and his cronies

With a deafening bang
Dissolved up in the universe?
With the use of explosives
Will the Obersalzberg soon blow up
Together with the Nazi Krauts

And with that, the very well-known
and notorious gangster bunch
finally will meet their ends,
We can speculate dear friends

What is happening in Berchtesgaden,
Yes, we can guess

What will happen to the tyrants?
I refuse to make an effort,
That‘s the job of the Prophets,
Soon we will know!

Post-Editing: Hanny Veenendaal