04-02-1945, 3rd volume, no. 14, Page 6

cover / introduction table of contents


One gets a whiff of freedom
And sees the sunshine,
The time of hiding
Will soon be past.

So many a good tiding
Was brought to us already,
Spring brings liberation,
Liberation long awaited.

Liberation from the shackles,
Liberation from distress,
One sees the flowers blooming
And sees the red morning sky

And already sees the dawn
of the new era,
Freedom is born
of distress and death and struggle.

Freedom is born
of distress and death and pain,
After so much suffering experienced
it will be dear to us.

We shall accept it
as a fragile and precious asset
that is invaluable,
which one must protect.

Post-Editing: Hanny Veenendaal

performed by Ruth Bloch