© Sandra Ludewig

Oliver Maria Schmitt

  • Audio contributions: 2
  • Language: DE
© Sandra Ludewig

Oliver Maria Schmitt (* 1966) is a German satirist and writer. While studying art history and rhetoric in Leeds and Tübingen, he published a literary magazine and wrote several radio plays. Schmitt was editor-in-chief of the controversial German satirical magazine “Titanic,” then, later, its co-editor. Together with Anne Nannestad, Oliver Maria Schmitt wrote the libretti for satirical musicals. Schmitt published the satirical book “Mein Wahlkampf” (My Campaign) about his experiences as a DIE PARTEI (The Party) candidate running for Mayor of Frankfurt (he garnered 1.8% of all votes) and is a regular contributor to several German daily and weekly newspapers. Schmitt was awarded the Henri Nannen Prize for a humorous report in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: For an undercover investigation, Schmitt slipped into the role of an unknown young Turkish writer who is trying to get his manuscript accepted by publishers at the Frankfurt Book Fair and in doing so revealed the strange side of the literary business.