09-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 6, Page 2
09-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 6, Page 3
09-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 6, Page 4
09-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 6, Page 5

cover / introduction

The Mussoleum

The Nazi newspapers now bring
Detailed reports
How Messrs. Roosevelt and Churchill
Are very sorry

That Mussolini escaped them
As the Germans rescued him
For that they had taken
Much effort and expenses.

Roosevelt had organized
A huge press campaign,
Reporters were already hired,
Receptions with champagne

The microphones were ready
For people to shout about it:
„Benito in America!“
Yet, he stayed away.

And also, the Fox Movietone News
Must once again disappear,
Benito is in German hands
And therefore cannot appear.

The festivities are canceled,
The triumphal processions
With Mussolini as a trophy
That they had already sold

Programs and entrance tickets
And made wild advertisements
Until they got into a difficult situation
Because of Hitler‘s deed.

Roosevelt and Churchill are sad
And feel embarrassed
That Mussolini is now free,
It disappoints them greatly.

That‘s what the DNB does
Proclaim to us today,
To this end, the OWP* gets to know
Further details.

* Underwater Press Office

A building was already under construction,
A kind of museum,
It was called Mussolineum,
Shortened to Mussoleum.

In the Mussoleum, they show
The origins of fascism
History all about murder and blood
And of wild fanaticism.

History of armament,
Of incitements and attacks
As a new scourge of the world,
Murderous unleashed.

As a showpiece of the collection,
They keep in custody
In a stable predator cage,
Duce Benito.

And as attendants, they appointed
As many as twenty Abyssinians,
Ten Spaniards, one Albanian,
Who can truthfully

Tell about the pains
That fascism brought upon them,
And make Mussolini
Pay for his old debts.

They talk to him in that language
That he used to speak with them,
It sounds a bit harsh and radical,
One hears about „punishment“ and „avenge,“

One hears “retaliation” and “revenge,”
Of “villages bombarded,”
And of „families massacred,”
And hears “I will teach you.”

One hears the whip lashes
And hear the Duce begging,
The great man, he is so small,
Only now has it become clear.

The opening did not take place yet,
It had to be postponed,
The main attraction was still missing,
But I can tell you,

That this postponement is not a cancellation.
If not today or tomorrow
The Mussoleum will be established,
We will take care of it!

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders