05-13-1944, 2nd volume, no. 20, Page 12
05-13-1944, 2nd volume, no. 20, Page 13
05-13-1944, 2nd volume, no. 20, Page 14
05-13-1944, 2nd volume, no. 20, Page 15

cover / introduction table of contents

“Old Fighters”

(At the cover montage)

Every year, the proud procession
Of the “old fighters” marches to the Feldherrnhalle,
The guys look dangerous
And rough and desperate enough.

They are the Führer’s comrades
From that time when he began
And wove the first bloody plans
For the world’s and Germany’s harm,

Who, about twenty years ago,
Helped with the first grab for power
Back then, they were still driven away
And Hitler seemed thoroughly defeated.

But they stood by him faithfully.
Ten years later, the time had come,
In ‘33 came the new,
The wonderful great time.

The dream of many desperados
Took on a real form,
The German Reich became a paradise
For plunder, murder, and violence.

Those who had nothing more to lose,
Suddenly found themselves on top,
They emerged suddenly from the shadows,
A colorful pile of adventurers.

A train of idle subjects
Who now saw their chance,
That is the cult of the old fighters,
They stand close to their Führer

Since that day of adventure,
Of a failed revolution,
The pillars of the party fortress
And such loyal ones are needed.

Scum of the proletariat class
And many a degenerate student,
That is the new noble race,
The element of the “old fighters.”

Free from sentimentality
And free from all humanity,
Ready to torment and kill,
Ready for any misdeed.

They were lifted from the dirt
And are the new elite,
For filth now floats on top in Germany,
The filth of the NSDAP.

The Führer‘s old comrades in battle,
The loyal ring of the “old fighters,”
Determined to commit every disgrace,
A party-political Sing-Sing.

One sees their prison mugs
And the predatory physiognomies,
How boldly and arrogantly
Today, they still march to the Feldherrnhalle.

It’s a guild of ,
Who do everything Adolf wants,
They let themselves be fed and promoted,
The Hitler period is their idyll.

Through them, you sink ever deeper,
Drowning in need, death, and disgrace,
The vermin of the “old fighters”
Parasitizing in the German land.

But however much the gang boasts,
It knows, though it does not admit it,
The pigsty will soon be cleaned out,
The Nazi time will soon come to an end!

The marching block of the old fighters, who today wear the gray uniform of soldiers, on the way to the ceremonies of honor at the Royal Square; at the head SS-Obergruppenführer Sepp Dietrich, bearer of the Oak Leaves and General of the Waffen-SS.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig