09-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 47, Page 10
09-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 47, Page 11
09-23-1944, 2nd volume, no. 47, Page 12

cover / introduction table of contents

Balkan Twilight

The D.N.B. reports from Berlin:
King Michael of Romania King Michael of Romania issued an appeal to the Romanian army to cease fighting against the Bolshevik intruders. The head of state of Romania, Marshal Antonescu, has been eliminated through a cowardly ambush by the king and his clique of traitors, consisting of Anglophile politicians and reactionary courtiers. A so-called democratic government, initiated by the king but in fact formed by the communists, under the banner of Maniu and Bratianu, has offered the surrender of the country to Moscow. – 25-8-44

It’s over with Romania today
And there‘s no sugarcoating it
It‘s irrefutable:
Michael, the young king,
No longer serves you loyally
And in Bucharest rules

Now Romania‘s people‘s government,
Not the Antonescu leadership,
Democracy is the order of the day
German is thoroughly out of fashion
With a better method
The country is pulled out of the mire

The Russian quickly occupies
The oil wells of Plusty
This blow you won‘t digest
All German fronts are wavering,
No more gasoline for refueling,
Your end is in sight

Your other comrades in arms
Also feel as if they‘ve been shot
And weakened and war-weary
Your friends, the Bulgarians
Show remorse and they were
Deeply mistaken, as one can see,

When they once declared war
And you can already tell, they would
Like to stop today
Towards Germany cooler
They show their peace antennas,
That‘s the way of the world

Bulgaria’s Stance.
In the Bulgarian parliament, Foreign Minister Draganoft delivered a speech, in which he recalled the joint struggle of Germany and Bulgaria during the World War, undertaken by Bulgaria with the aim of uniting all Bulgarians. It‘s not so much the comradeship in arms, but rather the unjust fate after the war that connects both nations. Relations with Turkey have always been good. If complications arise now, it‘s against the will of the people of both nations. Relations with Russia have also always been good. The speaker called the declaration of war on England and America a mistake, a mistake, however, for which the English are to blame themselves because they did not fulfill their guarantee promises from 1919. The government will continue King Boris‘s policy, which is aimed at peaceful settlement of all matters, agreement with all neighboring countries, and avoidance of war in the Balkans. – 23-8-44

And in Hungary today,
Most people are already thinking
About capitulation
Horthy has grave concerns
Is it today or tomorrow?
For he already feels his end.

Political Parties in Hungary Dissolved.
The Hungarian Telegraph Agency reports:
“In yesterday‘s edition of the Hungarian State Gazette, a government ordinance was published, according to which all political parties are dissolved with immediate effect, regardless of their political orientation. Any political activity is prohibited. The assets of the parties, wherever they are deposited, are blocked by the police and secured. Severe penalties will be imposed for violations of this government ordinance. The ordinance has taken effect immediately.” – 25-8-44

And you feel deeply affected,
Nothing at all left to hope for,
Every friend abandons you.
Yes, like rotten fruit
Your vassals drop
Because they come to their senses.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig