08-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 37, Page 13
08-15-1944, 2nd volume, no. 37, Page 14

cover / introduction table of contents

Hitler Salute in the German Army

Hitlergruss in the Armed Forces
Führer’s Headquarters, July 24 (D.N.B.) – The Reich Marshal of the Greater German Reich has, as senior officer of the German armed forces by rank, as well as on behalf of Generalfeldmarschall Keitel and Grand Admiral Dönitz, informed the Führer that all parts of the armed forces have requested to introduce the Hitlergruss in the armed forces as a sign of utter loyalty to the Führer and of closest bond between the armed forces and the party. The Führer has granted the request of the armed forces and has given his consent. Therefore, as of today, in place of the salute by tapping the right hand on the headgear, the Hitlergruss will be shown. – July 28, 1944

Saluting is no longer done,
One gives the Hitlergruss,
Only now, it is guaranteed,
Things will go well for Germany.

No longer does one salute,
One raises the arm up high,
Warfare will be much better
With such display of loyalty.

When facing the Russians,
With the hand held high,
Their strength and courage shall diminish,
And they quickly lose their stand.

It‘s as if a traffic policeman,
Raises his hand for stop,
And Stalin, that unpleasant guy,
He’s quite peeved.

One knows and almost feels for certain,
That through the Hitlergruss
The entire Russian offensive
Has quickly been bled dry.

And at Saint-Lo and Caën
It will likewise turn,
And I’m sad and I admit,
With this greeting the Germans

Once again have made the right move,
Made the right choice,
The opponents are going down,
And I’m going to the moon.

But then I thought, perhaps,
That the new Hitlergruss
Isn’t entirely satisfactory
In Lemberg, Warsaw, and Lublin,

Since it doesn’t work out this way,
Let me advise the Kraut,
I have good advice for you,
Which is definitely not bad.

Come no end to your plight,
No end to your escape,
Then don’t just raise just one paw,
But both up into the air!

Post-Editing: Kurt Gerhard Funke