10-14-1944, 2nd volume, no. 50, Page 6
10-14-1944, 2nd volume, no. 50, Page 7
10-14-1944, 2nd volume, no. 50, Page 8

cover / introduction table of contents

“The Spirits That I’ve Cited …”

(for cover assembly)

And when the people tug at their shackles,
The ruling class feels threatened,
It boils in the witches‘ cauldrons,
The people want freedom and light

And won’t tolerate being deprived of
Wages and work any longer,
Thus, they chose the Pied Piper
As the savior of their rotten world,

As the guardian of their old rights,
Which are nothing but old injustices,
They bought your executioners,
Yes, fascism is the wind,

That they sowed
For their own benefit,
And now it’s turned into a storm,
For those who sowed it, it’s too late.

The forces of hell have been unleashed,
The dance of death has been unleashed,
For the benefit of their business dealings
This swastika alliance

Was called to the highest power in your land,
Hitler became Germany‘s leader.
But those who created the Nazi idols,
Didn’t believe in him.

For them, Hitler was a puppet,
And just a means to an end,
Once the purpose was just achieved,
They thought, we’d send him away again.

Sure, that would have suited them,
And that might have been the plan,
But beware when you set him loose,
You can’t catch him again.

A senselessly cruel monster
Won’t give back its power
And has in its claws your
And many others’ fate,

Destroyes the clockwork mechanism
Of peace and harmony,
That’s the harvest of fascism,
Man is dead, the beast rules.

Animal instincts became
Your highest state reason,
An abyss like never before
Is now the result of that.

If you make the monster a prophet,
Make murder a state principle,
Then you’ll end up being trampled on,
That‘s the prospect left for you.

Those who once unleashed the demon,
Would like to be rid of it today,
But there’s no one to save them,
For their blood guilt is too great.

Post-Editing: Ernestine Kahn