02-17-1945, 3rd volume, no. 7, Page 8
02-17-1945, 3rd volume, no. 7, Page 9
02-17-1945, 3rd volume, no. 7, Page 10

cover / introduction table of contents

A Way Out

Nota bene
The English and Americans may laugh, but they have no fun! They may cheer, but they are not enjoying themselves! In the West, there are 80 divisions of General Eisenhower, while in the East, there are over 200 divisions of Marshal Stalin. These 200 divisions are advancing ten times faster towards the West than the 80 of Eisenhower heading east! If this continues, the 200 and the 80 will collide near Dusseldorf, and the worst is to be feared for the 80. Many people here understand that, who would rather be liberated by Poles and Canadians than by Kirghiz and Tartars. “Things are going well …” they mumble (you must say that, otherwise they think you’re a collaborator), but their gaze is concerned, and the worm of doubt gnaws at their hearts. DE RAKKER. – 29-1-45

Mr. Rakker is quite pleased
And he is already looking forward
To when in March or maybe May
The Bolshevik non-stop

Attack reaches Dusseldorf
And finds Brits and Yankees there,
Comparing their strength,
One understands that Stalin is winning.

When Stalin moves west,
That’s what I gather from the writing,
He only wants to confront
Eisenhower alone.

The Russians have only one goal,
To defeat Eisenhower,
I almost fall off my chair in fright
If Adolf doesn’t stop them.

Then the Russians will continue,
Only Adolf stands in their way,
If he loses, we are in trouble,
His defeat means bad luck.

For me, for you, for everyone,
The only salvation brings us
The victory of friend Adolf Hitler,
For Josef Stalin is wicked.

Friend Eisenhower will be saved
By Adolf Hitler and his power,
Which has always prevented Stalin
From advancing his troops further.

But Eisenhower is an idiot,
And he doesn’t understand the Führer,
And he deals him the final blow,
It’s too much to watch,

Because Adolf is the stumbling block,
That Stalin can reach,
Oh, Eisenhower, old sock,
You really are a stupid man.

You’re definitely digging your own grave,
If I read what Mr. Rakker wrote,
Then you will soon receive your punishment,
And I fear for you and tremble.

I see only one way out for you,
But if you hesitate, it’s too late,
You can save yourself if you quickly …
Join Adolf Hitler.

Post-Editing: Yvonne Groot