09-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 6, Page 8
09-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 6, Page 9
09-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 6, Page 10

cover / introduction table of contents

A Shortening of the Front

Orel, Kharkov, and now Bryansk,
One hears iron footsteps,
The Red Army advances,
The suffering is now over

For those under the German yoke
Reluctantly bowed,
The crusading fantasy of the swastika
Has vanished into smoke.

The German army retreats,
You can not keep it back any longer,
And Goebbels writes, it‘s going well,
Just have courage and faith

They are now at the same point
Where we were years ago,
We think of it with great pleasure
When we hear those sounds.

Only there is one big difference,
Hope could inspire us:
The Russians, England, America,
Will destroy the Krauts

While the Krauts now stand alone,
Italy is defeated,
For them, there is no chance at all,
That help will come to their aid.

And Russian armies
Advance ruthlessly,
And liberate their homeland
From the swastika barbarians.

And Hitler has to abandon,
Place after place
And city after city,
He calls this a shortening of the front,

He convinces soldiers with this,
Who will soon be used,
To fill another gap,
As everywhere there are shortages of men,
It cannot be concealed.

With an iron fist, Stalin sweeps clean
The Russian territories,
And sometimes he asks impatiently,
What are they doing in the West?

The long-promised second front
Takes too long to materialize,
What good is the alliance then?
Those are his thoughts!

But in the meantime, he doesn‘t stand still,
Conquering cities, fortresses,
Kiev, Smolensk will fall soon,
Because Hitler must shorten!

Even if England does not do too much,
We will console ourselves one day,
Hitler receives the knockout blow,
From Stalin in the East.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders