01-20-1945, 3rd volume, no. 3, Page 5
01-20-1945, 3rd volume, no. 3, Page 6
01-20-1945, 3rd volume, no. 3, Page 7
01-20-1945, 3rd volume, no. 3, Page 8
01-20-1945, 3rd volume, no. 3, Page 9

cover / introduction table of contents

New Year‘s Speech of the Führer

Regarding the words spoken by the Führer and his associates at the turn of the year, let it be known that those who listened to these speeches were deeply impressed by the great sense of reality and truthfulness with which the dramatic tension of the moment and the great dangers of the situation were acknowledged. They were equally impressed by the calm confidence and unwavering certainty with which the new year was welcomed. In his great midnight speech, the Führer expressed his conviction that the German Reich has left behind the year of its greatest trials, and in his order of the day to the soldiers, he referred to 1945 as the year of the great turning point. – 3.1.45

With the beginning of the new year,
Adolf spoke once again,
And said, We will still succeed,
We are not yet broken.

Though the Bulgarians have surrendered,
Romanians and the Finns too,
The German people are less cowardly,
And so, they will win.

Though many black clouds still threaten
The German sky at present,
Courageously, the German people fight
On Rhine, Saar, and Memel

For me and for the swastika,
They continue to resist bravely,
Even if they long to go home.
They won’t let themselves be

entangled in the nets woven by the enemy,
They won’t be enticed,
They show understanding and reason,
And nothing can shake them.

Though we have lost much ground
In recent times,
It cannot be doubted,
Keep this in mind,

The Victory will be ours,
Even if it will take years,
In the end, Churchill will be ousted,
And I will triumph.

And that’s why I ask for one more favour,
Always keep believing in me,
And besides: Keep persevering,
Then we will overcome

The current time of crisis,
And can easily tolerate
All hardships and many almost
Unbearable events.

Things are not going so well now,
That cannot be denied,
The Russians are taking Budapest,
And also, in the Ardennes

The tide has turned once again,
And we are the losers,
But despite everything that happens,
I know that in this year

The great change begins,
It will become clear very soon,
That Germany will win this war,
The enemies will almost collapse today

Under our pressure
And the burdens of war,
Therefore, hold on, stand your ground,
You just need to keep pushing forward.

A few more V1s, a few more V2s,
On land and in the cities,
And England will beg very meekly
For peace from the Third Reich.

What you have wished for and desired
Will soon be fulfilled,
Just … a little more patience,
Soon every enemy will scream,

The victory, promised so many times,
Will finally arrive,
But those who believe in Adolf’s words
And in the Nazi dreams

Will soon be disappointed,
No matter what Hitler says,
I don’t give a dime for it,
I have him figured out.

Today, he doesn’t know what to do with himself,
And feels that he’s done for,
It can be seen, the Führer is going
To perish this year.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders