10-23-1943, 1st volume, no. 10, Page 12
10-23-1943, 1st volume, no. 10, Page 13
10-23-1943, 1st volume, no. 10, Page 14
10-23-1943, 1st volume, no. 10, Page 15

cover / introduction table of contents

The Animals Complain

Often humans complain
About the hard times,
But there is also no happiness
Among the animals.

As a reporter,
I asked several of them.
In general, their moaning
Was very frightful.

First, I went to the dog
Who irately explained:
It’s a dog’s life!
No meat is available.

Becoming a vegetarian
Was useless.
Times became worse,
Now there are no more vegetables.

I then asked the cat.
It sang a lament.
The milk is undrinkable,
The fat is extracted.

Adequate nutrition
Is totally hopeless:
The mice have starved to death.
What ever should I do?

Even worse – it’s awful –
The others often hunt me
And want to use me
As a substitute for venison.

Finally, the third Russian winter
Makes matters worse.
The Germans need
Many fur gloves.

The horse complained:
There’s no gasoline,
So I must haul
The heaviest weights.

No oats are provided.
The whip goads me.
They really seem to believe
That will satiate me.

The flea was unhappy.
I am not doing well
Because people are bloodless.
The war swigs too much blood.

I asked king lion
Who bawled vehemently:
People are competing too much
With beasts of prey.

Hyenas and jackals,
They are all envious,
Feeling like choirboys
In this humanness.

The moth
Was also fretting:
There is too little wool
And too much chaos!

The only happy animal
Was the dung beetle,
Who found the times
Just wonderful.

I have to praise the times,
He said with a cavalier smile,
because dirt swims at the top
And rules and dominates today.

Post-Editing: Tom Rieke