10-30-1943, 1st volume, no. 11, Page 4
10-30-1943, 1st volume, no. 11, Page 5

cover / introduction table of contents

In Memoriam A.M. de Jong

They betrayed country and people to the Kraut,
Always encouraging the enemy to cruelty,
They write and speak of a murder campaign,
And themselves commit daily mass murder.

A little sober report was in the newspapers yesterday,
Because all newspapers in this country are under their control:
“A.M. de Jong, the writer, suddenly deceased.”
He was murdered, I thought immediately.

Spirits who cherish freedom they cannot endure it,
AM de Jong was such a freedom-loving spirit.
The official German executioner, he found nothing.
Thus, the traitor-beast works for him.

I greet you, great author of the Frank van Wezel,
The man who wrote this book earned immortality.
He belongs forever to the literary guard
That fights for justice and for freedom.

A noble man died, who knew how to appreciate beauty,
A beautiful, poetic soul has been murdered.
And only because a gang of low villains
Was pleased to extinguish your lifelight.

Quietly I bow my head now in friendly remembrance,
I send you a farewell greeting, A.M. de Jong,
I am saddened that you could not live to see
That day of freedom, for which your heart sang.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig