11-06-1943, 1st volume, no. 12, Page 2
11-06-1943, 1st volume, no. 12, Page 3
11-06-1943, 1st volume, no. 12, Page 4

cover / introduction

Goebbels, Father of News

As we read our newspapers,
Devoid of DNB reports,
One often wonders: will it be so
As they wish to inform us?
And suspicion has arisen,
That Goebbels and his propaganda sharks
Prettify the facts for themselves.

One sees the propaganda leaps,
That Goebbels must demonstrate now,
How crazy and distorted they are,
One can only be amused,
A song, just sung for this purpose,
To make their gains appear larger
And to diminish the defeats.

When occasionally British ships
Fall prey to submarines,
Goebbels manipulates and measures it
Into astronomical figures.
Those who think it through have understood,
The German intoxication has long vanished,
One sees, Herr Goebbels has lied.

That they in Stalingrad
And Tunis faced heavy defeats,
Goebbels does not admit,
Because something like that cannot be tolerated.
One may not rob the people of their hope and belief,
That it will be a victory.

As I read the reports today,
That adorn the Nazi newspapers,
They make Sicily seem unimportant
For the past few days.
We read it with pleasure,
Because when we hear such tones,
Then the game is already lost.

“Sicily doesn‘t mean a lot”
One may then certainly hope
– We look behind Goebbels‘ hedges –
That Sicily will soon be over.
And they will soon perish.
When something loses its importance,
It is called: they quickly pack their bags.

The war time causes with force
So many things, good and bad,
So it can be expected
That one changes the saying,
“The wish, the father of thoughts”
To truly rewrite it into the following;
“Goebbels, the father of news.”

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig