12-04-1943, 1st volume, no. 16, Page 6
12-04-1943, 1st volume, no. 16, Page 7
12-04-1943, 1st volume, no. 16, Page 8
12-04-1943, 1st volume, no. 16, Page 9
12-04-1943, 1st volume, no. 16, Page 10

cover / introduction table of contents

The Retribution

When one reads the newspapers today,
One must come to the conclusion,
Berlin did not have an easy time,
No, truly, things can change!

Three years ago in Berlin,
They found it always splendid,
Back then, their Air Force once smashed
Birmingham, Coventry, London into pieces.

And even if the whole world goes to the dogs,
What do we care about all that?
If you don’t want to be like us, then you’ll die,
Our instruments: the Stuka bombs.

That was the essence of their politics,
They got quite far with it,
But now their situation is critical,
Fate has taken a turn.

The crimes they committed
are coming back at them now,
The English will do everything for it,
There will be no more pardon.

And now, the German capital Berlin
Has to pay the bill,
But now they find bombs less agreeable,
They now curse the “hordes,”

Who are now merely giving back with interest
What the Krauts did to them before,
Because today, England steps up to the plate
And avenges its devastated cities.

And what was once right for the Germans,
Is fair now for the British,
But when you read the newspapers today,
Goebbels is indeed grouching uglily.

For whenever two do the same thing,
There are always differences,
And furiously, Goebbels blows his trumpet
And starts preaching to his followers:

“Enough is enough, no patience anymore.”
Dr. Goebbels begins to curse,
And I declare England to be outlawed,
We will also take revenge for everything.

I don‘t say what form this revenge will take,
We hear the club-foot speaking,
I only say, we will go to England
And we will bitterly avenge ourselves.

The Reich capital fell victim to the British,
But you can be sure of one thing,
We will soon rebuild Berlin three times as beautiful
As it ever was.

Berlin carries its fate no less aware
Than countless other cities,
They have patiently extinguished their fires
And bravely endured the disasters.

The Englishman may believe that our morale
Is now definitively broken.
We are showing them just the opposite,
Their crime will soon be avenged.

Perhaps it will be bombs, perhaps it will be gas,
One doesn‘t know exactly what they will get,
The Nazi system is not in a good mood,
And is threatening in secret now.

In this way, they are trying for a while longer
To keep the people in line,
The swastika system is sickly and hollow,
And Goebbels has a severe cold.

He is bluffing as long as he can,
He knows that the end has come,
He also knows what awaits him now,
The people awaken from their dreams.

They will no longer accept the lying tales,
Will not longer hang on every word from him,
And will pay back Dr. Goebbels despite his yelling
The wrongdoing he has committed.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig