12-18-1943, 1st volume, no. 18, Page 9
12-18-1943, 1st volume, no. 18, Page 10
12-18-1943, 1st volume, no. 18, Page 11

cover / introduction table of contents

In Tehran

In Tehran, in Tehran,
Mister Winston Churchill arrived.
It‘s quite far from London,
He found sighing,
But the matters are urgent,
So I had to make the trip,
Even if it wasn‘t to my liking,
I had to speak with Stalin,
And I made the decision,
To come to Tehran.

In Tehran, in Tehran,
Mister Roosevelt also arrived,
And he began to complain,
I could hardly bear,
Making the long journey,
But business is business,
Even if I‘m not in great health,
And had to travel halfway around the world,
I made the decision,
To come to Tehran.

In Tehran, in Tehran,
Finally, Marshal Stalin arrived,
And he said to the two gentlemen,
We will confer,
He did not need to travel far,
No, Stalin stayed close to his
Beloved Russian territory,
A short trip, nothing more,
So he came to Tehran without hesitation.

In Tehran, in Tehran,
There they made a huge plan,
To liberate the countries,
And to delight us soon.
But something bothered Churchill,
So he asked Stalin:
We had to travel terribly far,
We had to travel here and there,
Why did you compel us,
To walk to Tehran?

In Tehran, in Tehran,
Stalin said: Churchill, take a look,
You can quickly find out,
I will explain it to you:
It was absolutely required,
And it was not unnecessary.
I was dissatisfied with your policy,
And I thought it was time for you,
I say it without hesitation,
To accomodate me.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig