12-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 19, Page 14
12-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 19, Page 15
12-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 19, Page 16

cover / introduction table of contents

The Heat is Currently Turned Off in the Vatican

No central heating in the Vatican.
It has been reported from the Vatican that the Pope has given the order not to use the central heating in the Vatican City this year, as he does not want coal to be burned in the city of the Vatican due to the existing coal supplies not allowing the central heating in Rome to be used. 13/12

In Rome, in Rome,
Despite every pious person,
And all of Christendom,
A sad event is now unfolding,

Pity touches our hearts,
We are full of deep sorrow,
And you still ask what is happening there,
But dear man, didn’t you know:

Pope Pius in the Vatican
Doesn’t turn on the heating this year,
The building is stone cold,
He himself sits in the cold.

Stolen, stolen
Are the coals by the Krauts,
Although one prays every morning,
One feels one is sitting in the chill,

Chilled is Hitler‘s soul,
Because Benito fell,
And even His Holiness feels:
The axis friendship has cooled.

Pope Pius etc.

One sits there, one sits there,
Currently cold in St. Peter‘s,
How uninviting is this weather,
One feels like being in a funicular.

The song freezes in the throat,
It almost becomes too much,
A High Mass is like a winter sport.
One hopes it will get warmer.

Pope Pius etc.

Give peace, give peace,
This is the daily prayer.
So far, it has remained unheard,
God does not listen to the Pope’s words.

Yes, if one looks at it closer,
He remains cold underneath,
The Pope has done many things
That did not particularly please him.

Pope Pius in the Vatican
Doesn’t turn on the heating this year,
The building is stone cold,
He himself sits in the cold.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders