09-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 6, Page 17
09-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 6, Page 18
09-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 6, Page 19
09-25-1943, 1st volume, no. 6, Page 20

cover / introduction table of contents

“The People Are Onto Them.”

On 1st July 1943 Max Blokzijl spoke on the subject:
“The people are onto them.”

These new potentates,
Traitors, NSB members,
As true blooded war profiteers,
Earlier, they ate out of the hand,
And they were truly loyal to Oranje,
Now they only serve Allemagne,
The people are onto them.

When they talk about order,
The people know they mean plunder,
And they smile and beam,
Propaganda was of no avail,
And they remained unloved
Among the well-disposed,
The people are onto them.

And the Kringhuizen is abandoned,
Almost no one has joined,
Neither threats nor prayers helped,
And they sit where they sat,
They haven’t gotten any further yet,
The party has declined,
The people are onto them.

A party of scoundrels,
Living off German favors,
To harm their own people,
The results are poor
That they have achieved so far,
And there’s anger brewing in all corners,
The people are onto them.

They have loaded murder and crime
Without measure upon themselves,
People and homeland betrayed,
And through Nippon’s Asians
They allowed Indonesia to be occupied,
Thus Japan sets the rules for them,
The people are onto them.

Miserable bunch of land pirates,
Relying on German guns,
They want to rule this people,
And in houses and on streets,
You hear daily how people
Curses and condemn them,
The people are onto them!

They betrayed the soldiers,
Sold those to the Krauts
Who fought for freedom of the Netherlands,
NSB members were Herostrates,
Daring to challenge the Netherlands,
Yet it will fight back,
The people are onto them.

They sound the charge,
Against Jewish plutocrats,
Yet they themselves indulge and gamble,
The Netherlands will forever hate them
Those who betrayed the Netherlands,
And who now spy on our people,
The people are onto them!

They are thieves and thieves’ mates.
And they are destroying the country‘s prosperity,
And they lick the Krauts boots;
Pedophiles and castrati!
They profess a new order,
And they want to seduce our youth,
The people are onto them.

Soon they will lose their lives,
And they must pay for their ravage
And for their crimes,
And the power they possessed
Will soon be taken from their hands,
And the filth will be burned,
The people are onto them.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders