03-11-1944, 2nd volume, no. 11, Page 2
03-11-1944, 2nd volume, no. 11, Page 3
03-11-1944, 2nd volume, no. 11, Page 4

cover / introduction

Heil Hitler!

“Fold your little hands, bow your little heads,
think quietly of Adolf Hitler,
who loves us children dearly
and provides us with bread and clothing.
Heil Hitler.”
German children‘s school prayer

Fold hands, bow heads,
Think quietly of Adolf Hitler,
Who promised us so much,
And that‘s why we prayed afterwards:
Heil Hitler!

New prosperity, new life
Adolf Hitler wanted to give us,
And his Third Reich will be
Like an earthly paradise,
Heil Hitler!

Everything alive, everything built
That we admire in beauty,
The fact that the German Rhine still flows,
We thank only the Führer,
Heil Hitler!

Germany, Germany above all,
Leitmotiv of the invasion
Of many foreign countries,
Leitmotiv of murder and fire,
Heil Hitler!

And the godforsaken Jews,
Yes, we send them quickly
To the shadows in the underworld,
And then we get their money,
Heil Hitler!

And the bigwigs and the rabble,
Plunder houses, steal furniture.
But then came the penal court,
Unjust good does not thrive.
Heil Hitler!

Women, children, houses, clothes
Went to the devil like this,
Hitler makes Germany great!
And now you’ve lost everything.
Heil Hitler!

Without mercy, without pity,
They bomb your homes,
Yes, the whole Third Reich
Is turned everything into ruins,
Heil Hitler!

And the Poles and the Czechs
Will soon take terrible revenge
For what is done to them,
Eye for an eye,
Blood for blood,
Heil Hitler!

Post-Editing: Ernst Sittig, Sylvia Stawski