03-25-1944, 2nd volume, no. 13, Page 5
03-25-1944, 2nd volume, no. 13, Page 6
03-25-1944, 2nd volume, no. 13, Page 7

cover / introduction table of contents


German Rear Admiral Gadow is engaged in a contemplation in the D.A.Z. about the upcoming invasion under the title „Before the Storm,“ and his consideration deserves attention in more than one respect. Although many of the announcements by the Allies, as the writer explains, belong to psychological warfare, there is no doubt about the attackers‘ aggression towards Germany. – 15-2-44

Churchill declared in the House of Commons that the Anglo-American air attacks must now be regarded as „the main offensive“ of the Allies. These attacks on Germany will become even more intense in the spring and summer of this year. This declaration attracts attention to the extent that, according to these words, the decision is by no means imminent! Thus, Churchill contradicts his recent statement made in the corridors of the House of Commons, where he expected the largest military operations in world history to take place before the month of March. – 23-2-44

Also, he – Churchill – has never given a guarantee that the year 1944 would bring an end to the European war. In this respect, he has never hinted at such an expectation. – 23-2-44

The time of the invasion is approaching.
Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels discusses the risk of the invasion in the weekly “Das Reich” under the headline “The Power of Strong Hearts.” The minister writes, among other things: “The time set by the Anglo-American war leadership for the invasion of the Western European continent is approaching.” – 25-2-1944

War until 1945 …
Associated Press disseminates a commentary from Washington on Churchill‘s House of Commons speech. Among other things, it says that the opinion of Churchill, shared by military naval circles in Washington, is that the European war could extend until the year 1945.

Invasion in three or four months?
The C.D. reports from Lisbon: Howe, Minister for Ammunition, according to Reuters, reportedly indicated in the Canadian House of Commons, that the European invasion would take place within three or four months. In connection with this, Howe said that the Canadian government had received numerous telegrams from Great Britain urging immediate delivery of the necessary shipping space. – 29-2-44

Most people had thought that the war in Europe would end in the summer of this year, and now the pessimists in the United States are already talking about 1946. – 4-3-44

We all await very anxiously
What is going to happen soon
We know: the end of the tyrants
It certainly is coming, be it sooner or later.

The sooner, we think, the better
We would like to be rid of them soon
Because the oppression pressure gauge
Rose too high in recent times.

When one reads that the British are coming soon
We suddenly become very glad
Then we are hopeful and we dream
That we shall be free very soon.

But if, according to Winston Churchill‘s words,
Only bombardments take place for now
Then one could kill him
As we expect much more from him.

After years of suffering
One finally wants to see appear
The long-promised Second Front
To which he committed himself at the time.

And it becomes later and later
And the liberation just doesn‘t come,
Is England afraid of the water?
It seems so when you look at it.

People are pondering and discussing
Why does the British lion stay away?
He might not have come yet
Because of the cold and the snow?

Or are they still not recovered
From the landing in Dieppe
Or have they just deceived us
And is the second front just a hoax?

I would like to believe Goebbels,
For he expects it soon,
What he writes there, I prefer
Over what is written elsewhere.

Will they soon send landing troops,
Will we soon see Alligators?
Or will it last until ‘45?
According to Associated Press, perhaps.

Does it still take years, months, weeks,
One does not know and asks and guesses!
Many terms have already passed,
In the end, one becomes a fatalist …

Post-Editing: Ernst Sittig, Sylvia Slawik