2nd volume, no. 19

Introduction to the content

In The Zulu Chief, Curt Bloch addresses contemporary racist stereotypes and throws them back at the National Socialist “Brotherhood of Noble Races.” Hitler, whose receding criminal forehead is worthy of a cannibal, behaves like the bloodthirsty Zulu kings Chaka (Shaka, 1787–1828) and Dingaan (1795–1840). With their misleading mentality, he lulls the surrounding states – currently the Dutch Queen – into a false sense of security and degrades the German population to a “tribe of negroes.” (The word “Negro” was formerly used to describe individuals with dark skin color. It is now considered derogatory and racially discriminatory, and is therefore no longer used.)

Germany fights for Europe!” claimed Austrian Arthur Seyß-Inquart (1892–1946), the NS Reich Commissioner in the Netherlands, in his speech on the “Leader’s” birthday. Curt Bloch notices that the National Socialists only discovered their European heart when things started going wrong. He interprets their attempts to ingratiate themselves with their neighbors through feigned selflessness as a desperate attempt to avert “Hitlerian eclipse”

On the cover of this OWC edition, Curt Bloch announces a special performance: Winston Churchill as “the emcee”. The British Prime Minister, a seasoned player on the political stage, promises an “overture” to the war spectacle with an air raid by the Western Allies, followed by a “maritime piece.” The world eagerly awaits, and especially the anxious Hitler, the performances of the “alligators” (amphibious vehicles of the same name) and “buffalos” (the 92nd Infantry Division, composed exclusively of African-American soldiers) – and ultimately, “the war’s happy ending.”

Curt Bloch wrote the text Göring sniffs at the Gasoline for a 1939 photo in which the Field Marshal inspects a newly developed synthetic fuel. Bloch looks back on this moment just before the “war machine” was put into operation, for which Göring had “hoarded fuel in large quantities.” But instead of a victorious blitzkrieg, “a new phase came,” there was now a shortage of gasoline, and “Göring rubs his nose.”