Reichsführer S.S., Heinrich Himmler, during the first awarding of the Germanic Leistungsrune in Avegoor. – 11-2-44
The tracking dogs of the occupier,
The dogs of the NSB.
Literally pan-Germanic,
They serve humbly and obediently.
Look how they track, how they sniff,
They are filled with the spirit of dogs,
And such a NSB dog creature
Heartily enjoy the hunt.
However, they hunt people,
Which apparently pleases them,
And according to the wishes of the Krauts,
They couldn’t care less about their country.
They track and sniff and shake paws,
Perform all tricks skillfully,
And they betray their fellow countrymen
By spying and barking.
They do one thing and do another,
They do not shy away from blame and shame,
And many brave Dutchman
Are delivered to the hands of the Germans.
Thus, they faithfully work for the occupation,
Pretending to be in charge themselves,
But they are just dog on a leash,
Every Tom, Dick and Harry know that.
But still they are dangerous,
And people anxiously watch out for them,
Most people now truly tremble
At the sight of an NSBer snout.
Their fortunes are linked
To the occupiers,
Those are the Krauts’ chained dogs,
The dogs of the NSB.
PS. As I reread what I have written,
I apologize to my dog,
For he is a thousand times superior
To such an NSB dog.
Post-Editing: Benno Groeneveld
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