The landing on New Britain, which we have reported on in recent days, had a completely new character. Until now, the Americans succeeded in surprising the Japanese and landing without significant resistance. On New Britain, this was different, as the loss of the Rabaul base would force the Japanese to retreat to the Dutch East Indies or the Philippines. Thus it was clear in advance that the Japanese would fiercely resist on New Britain, and that a surprise attack was ruled out. Therefore, the Americans only launched their attack after a powerful bombardment from the artillery and the air force, and then they deployed completely new equipment, namely the amphibious tanks, known as “alligators” and “buffalos.” These tanks float and can move in water almost as fast as on land. With the rapid-fire cannons of their turrets, they deprived the enemy of freedom of action, making it less challenging to repel a landing. Reports from American journalists attending the operations meanwhile suggest, however, that the “alligators” and “buffalos” might still have been driven back into the sea if it hadn‘t been possible to cover them with intense artillery fire. This fire came from cannons mounted on floating trucks. These trucks can move relatively quickly in the water and, of course, have the significant advantage of being immediately usable in land operations as well. Although only limited information is available at the moment, it can be assumed that we are dealing here with an equally interesting and formidable new invention. – 21/12
In the calm South Seas,
The Americans are
Very actively, it’s no joke,
Making their way.
And the Japs are getting beaten,
And they must retreat,
Yes, the yellow riffraff
Must strike their colors.
Well, what do you know, the Yankee
Now has a tankie
That‘s called Alligator
And swims on the water
And it walks on land
It kills off the Japs.
In Japan, they are surprised
Don’t want to believe it
And the Tenno is in distress,
Can’t get over it
New Britain, yes, you can
Hardly bear it anymore
Yes, they they are quickly clobbering you
With powerful blows.
Well, what do you know, etc.
And armed like a fortress
Is this new wonder
In the Alligator sport
Japan goes under
And in the East Indies, yes, there you already
Find happy faces
In Batavia, you almost devour
The press reports.
Well, what do you know, etc.
Adolf Hitler in Berlin
Feels very deceived,
The fiasco hurts him,
It went wrong,
His thoughts and efforts
Have turned out to be deceit,
Because even the Japanese forces
Have retreated.
Well, what do you know, etc.
Yes, one knows Adolf has violated
Rights and treaties,
The promised second front
I’m sure will soon appear.
In my dreams, I see coming
Already the Alligator,
The Atlantic Wall taken
Be it early or later.
Well, what do you know, the Yankee,
Now has a tankie,
That‘s called Alligator
And swims on the water,
If it comes ashore
The Krauts will be annihilated!
Post-Editing: Hanny Veenendaal
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