07-08-1944, 2nd volume, no. 30, Page 2
07-08-1944, 2nd volume, no. 30, Page 3
07-08-1944, 2nd volume, no. 30, Page 4
07-08-1944, 2nd volume, no. 30, Page 5
07-08-1944, 2nd volume, no. 30, Page 6
07-08-1944, 2nd volume, no. 30, Page 7
07-08-1944, 2nd volume, no. 30, Page 8

cover / introduction

When Two Do the Same …

We must save Fuel for Battle!
Issued by the Ministry of Fuel and Power

The Nazi propaganda mob
Seems to take immense pleasure,
That in Great Britain today
Domestic coal supplies have also

To be saved and so the British
Recommend limiting consumption,
Look how they beg, how they plead,
So that savings are achieved.

The wealthy England must be ashamed,
That it now has to resort
To such measures
But couldn’t do anything else.

One is forced to be frugal,
So that the armament chimney smokes,
And there is a strong emphasis
That England needs less fuel.

“Eat in the kitchen, save on warm water, turn down the gas or electric stove, especially in the morning, again and again! We must save fuel!”

Who says that? The English Ministry of Energy and Fuels. It doesn’t just say it, it advertises it in giant columns in the English press. And after all, it must know. Isn’t it a bit humiliating for wealthy England to have to speak in these tones? But what can you do when the exhausted British miners strike and one of the American allies snaps up the finest oil fields in the Middle East! – JB 11-5-44 – Picture Post

And when you read this, you probably think
Things are not going well in England,
Because such a coal shortage is embarrassing
And some find new courage.

The British are without coal,
That’s a stroke of luck for us,
Now the devil will come for England
And turns around our misfortune.

Some others are less enthusiastic
Say quite thoughtfully: Look, look,
Even England seems to have to save,
That resembles our

Coal thief

Over there, things aren’t any better
Than here and the restrictions are similar,
That seems to be appropriate
For this fierce battle.

Just as in German, in English too
They remind to save fuel,
However, says a third critically.
We are the richest coal country.

The most and richest mines
In the world are owned by the Third Reich
And yet it is like a state crime
To consume too much coal.

Keep the old ointment pots,
Save fuel and save light and gas,
This is hammered into your heads
Every day ceaselessly.

Electricity, gas, and coal are also needed to a greater extent to produce our cream pots. Therefore: An empty cream pot does not belong in the trash but should be returned to your retailer with the lid. The essential wartime energies, Electricity-Gas-Coal are thereby saved! – Ellocar.

Remember this while washing and ironing,
And keep in mind when baking cakes,
To reduce energy consumption,
One is warned with more or less tactfulness.

Electricity in the household
Too much heat damages the laundry. The markings on the control switch of your Siemens Superautomatic Iron correspond to the correct heat for different types of fabric. Think first, then switch! Save electricity!

Every woman can make a cake using a “contemporary baking recipe”.
And if she saves coal, gas and electricity, she shows the door to “the coal thief”!
by Dr. August Oetker, Bielefeld

Despite your rich coal mines
Coal is extremely scarce for you
Among other things, the Nazi boys
Also pinch off your coal.

The coal thief, cursed by everyone today, has no place at Blaupunkt! Turn off your device when you’re not listening. You save electricity and protect your Blaupunkt radio.

During “summer time”
The clock goes forward and saves electricity. For example, when we listen to radio programs, we save electricity for armament. Those who consider this create “additional energy”! – Philips Valvo Works

Whoever immediately returns all empty bottles helps with the supply to the front and home, and thereby helps the glassworks save coal and energy, which benefits the armaments industry. – Erven Lucas Bols Liquer Factories Emmerich RH

Solidox makes saving easy!
It cleans teeth so thoroughly during evening toothbrushing that a rinse with warm water is enough in the morning. Save here too: don’t use too much and not too hot water. After all, we want to save gas and coal, not Solidox. – Solidox Company for Dental Hygiene., Berlin

When an exhortation to save
Is embarrassing, it’s a coal thief
I have a slight suspicion
That is exactly what happened in Germany

Just like in the previous war,
Despite all coal-saving efforts,
You’re not going to win anymore
I really feel sorry for you.

If the British save fuel today,
Then they surely know what it’s for,
You will find out soon enough:
You’re the ones who’ll burn your fingers.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders